Reality isn't what you thought... and there is no going back...
Join witty and playful Chris Gahrlan in his first book in the series: The Chronicles of Chris.
Drafted as a stop gap for mankind against an enemy that lives in and among us, Chris finds himself embroiled in a battle that began millenniums ago.
Chris’s journey unfolds as he becomes friends with four girls that have a very wild nature and Tassi their leader, is something far more than a beauty with platinum silver hair and brilliant piercing blue eyes.
Then there is an extraordinary being that playfully teaches Chris, along with a mentor from a time long ago that always seems to be at the right place at the right time. Jennifer his mom, becomes more than anyone would suspect; and Momi, a delightful happy-go-lucky boy from the past becomes Chris’ most trusted friend.
Experience the thrills, the excitement, and the humor as Chris becomes what he must, to help mankind.
It will be a life changing journey; you will see the world as you have never seen it before! No longer will you see the world through a glass darkly! You will see reality face to face! Read if you dare, but be forewarned:
Reality is not what you have been taught. And there is no going back once you know the truth…